What Is ED Coding?

Emergency medicine is the medical specialty concerned with the care of illnesses or injuries requiring immediate medical attention. An emergency department (ED) is also known as an accident & emergency department (A&E), emergency room (ER), emergency ward (EW), or casualty department. The ER is a medical treatment facility specializing in emergency medicine - the acute care of patients who present without a prior appointment, either by their means or by an ambulance. The emergency department can be a part of a hospital or a primary care center.

Emergency departments ea fast-paced environments where care is delivered quickly depending on the patient's condition's criticality. Further, ED does not deal with one specialty per se. ED provides Medical services across specialties. It also requires close coordination of services from when a patient enters an ambulance or an ED facility to discharge, working with multiple clinical practitioners.

Medvision Health Solutions also offer a ED coding


3 weeks

Course details

History, exam, MDM, procedures (major and minor), critical care and observation, CPT, ICD-10

Additional training

Live chart training and job-oriented training.